Thursday 15 December 2011


So I have to say that being a dentist(especially a private one) would be a serious moneymaker.... I just came from my dentist and I had to pay for half an hour a good amount of money.

But I also know that I could have been able to prevent from this happening. I think I have to say bye bye for the love of my life: chocolate.... 
"to chocolate: We have had many beautiful times and I have always enjoyed the time we have spent together. You have always accepted me the way I am and have never complained"
Seriously, that was a joke. But from now on I be a bit more aware what I am eating. And I need to buy chewing gum!

Another thing is that I am flying tomorrow home :) I cant wait to travel tomorrow and be home and spend the Christmas time with my family.

This is why it is likely that I will not be posting that much during the coming weeks. I'm gonna try to make a small collection of pictures from my purchases from the last couple of weeks ;)

Käännös: Tulin tossa just hammaslääkäriltä ja voin todeta(näin rahoitusalan opiskelijana) että ei olis ollu huono valinta mennä opiskelemaan hammaslääketiedettä. Ja sitten pistää oma hammaslääkäri vastaanotto pystyyn. Koska tänään mun hammaslekuri kyllä tienasi melko hyvät rahat hyvin lyhyessä ajassa. 
Mä olisin voinut estää tämän tapahtuman jos söisin paljo hammasystävällisemmin. Tämä tarkoittaa että mun pitää sanoa hyvästit mun elämän rakkaudelle: suklaalle.
"Suklaalle: meillä on monia ihania muistoja keskenämme ja olen aina nauttinut meidän yhteisestä ajasta. Olet hyväksynyt minut sellaisena kuin olen, etkä ole ikinä valittanut mistään"

Edeltä juttu oli sitten ihan vain vitsi. Mutta nyt tarttee kattoa mitä syö ja tarttee ostaa Jenkkiä kun oon Suomessa :)
Lennänkin huomenna kotio ja on kiva viettää jouluaika perheen ja läheisten kanssa.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Independence day

So I saw only the last 15min of the "independence reception" but anyways, I found my favourite dress. That was worn by the finnish singer Jenni Vartiainen.

I would have liked that the dredd would have been abit darker from the colour, but I find it just a really beautiful dress!

And as I promised, I also found the two candles and lit them during the evening:

The one on the right is blue, with the flash it would have not seen so nice ;)

Käännös: Ehdin katsomaan Linnan juhlien kättelyistä viimeiset 15minuuttia mutta löysin kuitenkin suosikkipukuni. Se oli Jenni Vartiaisen kaunis iltapuku, jonka olisin kuitenki itse ehkä tehnyt yhden asteen tummemmaksi mutta Jenni oli kyllä todella kaunis! Ja kuten lupasin, löysin 2 kynttilää ja laitoin ne illalla palamaan ikkunalaudalle. Kuvan vasemmanpuoleinen kynttilä on sininen, salamalla kuvasta ei olisi vain tullut niin nättiä :)

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Independence day/ Itsenäisyyspäivä

Today, 6th of December, my homecountry Finland is celebrating its' 94th independence day. Finland is a small country with about 5,4million inhabitants living a country which has 4 seasons, thousands of lakes, a lot of forest, everymans' rights and the people there are proud of their own little country.

On 6th of December 1917 the Parliament got together and accepted a bourgeois senate in other words the independence declaration of the goverment. Russia recognized this declaration on 31st of December, France and Sweden on 4th of January and Germany on 6th of January 1918. My own grandfather fought in the war and that is the case for many of my friends, that their grandparents fought in the Winterwar (30 November 1939-13 March 1940) or/and in the Continuation war (25 June 1941 – 19 September 1944). Through these wars Finland is what it is and that is why we Finns are the way we are.

Tonight our president is having a "party" which is sent live to every household in Finland (it is also possible to watch the show via internet in the whole world, which I am going to do) to celebrate independent Finland and today we all remember to thank those who fought for our own country, built it up again and gave us the home country which gives many possiblities to everyone. Even though during the last times there has been critique towards e.g homo sexuals in Finland from some of the persons who are representing our country, I hope that everyone in Finland finds peace in their minds and remember that through the history of our country all of us can be proud of our country and everyone can celebrate Finland today as much, or less, as everyone else. This should not depend on the fact what the opinion of other people is.

With these words, I wish everyone in Finland and all the Finns around the world, a nice independence day 2011! I will light a white and a blue candle tonight to celebrate my home country which I love so dearly!

Käännös: Tänään 6.12.2011 minun isänmaani, Suomi, juhlii 94. itsenäisyyspäiväänsä. Suomi on pieni maa 5,3miljoonalla asukkaallaan, tuhansilla järvillä, suurella määrällä metsää, neljällä vuodenajalla, jokamiehen oikeuksilla ja ihmisillä, jotka ovat ylpeitä omasta pienestä maastaan.

6. joulukuuta 1917 Suomen eduskunta kokoontui ja hyväksyi hallituksen antaman itsenäisyysjulistuksen. Venäjä tunnusti Suomen 31.12, Ranska ja Ruotsi tunnustivat Suomen 4.1.1918 ja Saksa 6.1.1918(Lähde: Wikipedia). Minun oma isoisäni, kuten monet minun ystäväni isovanhemmista, taistelivat itsenäisen Suomen puolesta Talvi- ja Jatkosodassa. 

Tänä iltana presidenttimme järjestää Linnan juhlat jotka lähetetään jokaiseen suomalaiseen kotiin ja se näytetään internetissä livenä(katsottavana koko maailmassa). Tänään juhlitaan itsenäistä Suomea ja tänään muistetaan heitä jotka taistelivat Suomen puolesta, rakensivat sen uudestaan ja antoivat meille kotimaan joka antaa monta mahdollisuutta ihmisille. Vaikka viime aikoina uutisissa on ollut luettavissa kritiikkiä, joka on tullut Suomen kansaa edustavilta tahoilta, koskien mm. homoseksuaaleja Suomessa, toivon että kaikki löytävät rauhan mielessään ja muistavat että historian kautta me voimme olla ylpeitä omasta maastamme ja jokainen voi juhlia, enemmän tai vähemmän, Suomen itsenäisyyttä. Tämän ei pitäisi riippua siitä mikä toisen ihmisen mielipide on.

Näillä sanoilla toivotan kaikille suomalaisille ympäri maailmaa hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää 2011. Aion itse sytyttää tänään illalla valkoisen ja sinisen kynttilän juhliakseni omaa rakasta isänmaatani!

Saturday 3 December 2011

joulu tulee....

Kirjoitanpa nyt ihan huvikseni koko postauksen suomeksi. Täällä on ihan sairaan harmaan masentava päivä ja vettäkin taitaa(viimein) sataa. Kuitenkin, jouluun on enää tasan kolme viikkoa eli 21 päivää. Itse tulen jo onneksi aikaisemmin koti-Suomeen.

Mä olen kuunnellut joululauluja jo pari viikkoa ja Spotify:sta löytyy niin monia ihania joululauluja ja levyjä. Mä itse tykkään suomenkielisistä joululauluista koska niitä on pienestä asti kuunnellut. Tässä Suvi Teräsniskan "Tulkoon joulu". Levy (Tulkoon joulu) on julkaistu jo 2009 mutta kun osa lauluista on klassikoita niin niitä nyt kuuntelee joka vuosi.

Vaikka keli ulkona ei välttämättä ole niin jouluinen tai talvinen, mun mielestä se joulumieli tulee omasta itsestään. Älkää stressatko joulusta niin paljon, mä tulen nauttimaan läheisten seurasta ja nautin päivistä jolloin kaikki rauhoittuvat eikä kenelläkään ole kiire.

Hauskaa viikonloppua kaikille!!

Thursday 1 December 2011

Shopping result

As I posted a while ago I had a break from learning and decided to go to a small shopping center in the city to look for shoes for my mom. I found the shoes but I also bought something for myself... this does not surprise the people who know me and know how I am with shoes (I CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MANY)

Here pictures of my new shoes:

Käännös: Kirjoittelin tuossa pari päivää sitten että kävin pienessä kauppakeskuksessa pyörähtämässä etsien kenkiä äidilleni. No tuli sitten tosiaan ostettua itsellekin jotain. Tietysti kenkiä! Ne jotka tuntee mut tietää että mun periaate on: Kenkiä ei voi ikinä olla liikaa! Yllä kuvat uusista kenkuleista :)

Tuesday 29 November 2011

(almost) my new jacket

So this is not the thing I bought today earlier but I hope I can take the following jacket with me home on Saturday after work. As some of you know, the winter here is not that long and cold as back home in Finland. That is why I was thinking, I don't need a thick winterjacket. But then again I don't like cold at all(not then when I do not have enough clothes on, and that is important during the winter) so I thought maybe I should buy myself a nice warm winterjacket. Well actually I am not buying it, my mom buys it for me as a Christmas present
And since I am working in this specific clothingstore, and I get a nice discount, I could invest for the coming winters and buy myself a jacket with a nice price.

Here the link to my jacket

And I am buying it in black, the internetsite gives the jacket in beige but that does not fit to me at all!!

Here is a picture of the jacket: I'll post another one on Saturday evening

Käännös: Tämä ei nyt ole se juttu minkä ostin tänään aikaisemmin mutta toivon ottavani linkistä (yläpuolella kohdassa my jacket) löytyvän talvitakin mukaani lauantaina. Täällä talvet ei ole niin kylmiä ja pitkiä kuin koti-Suomessa mutta mä tykkään lämpimästä. Ton takin kanssa ei täällä tulisi kyllä kylmä! Se olis hyvä investointi tuleville vuosille ja kun olen kys. vaatekaupassa töissä on hintakin melko huokea alennusten jälkeen. Takin ostan mustana ja toivon tuovani sen kotiin lauantaina töitten jälkeen. Mietintäaika on aina hyvä!

In the midst of learning... and buying shoes... wtf?

So, tomorrow is the last exam of this year(on Friday I have Japanese but that is gonna go okay, anyways).

I have been learning for the exam since Friday and I start to get the feeling I do not want to see or read the slides anymore. So I decided to take a break and ride to a small shoppingcenter on the otherside of the river. That turned out well(for my closet but not for my wallet).

This proves again the fact that when you should learn you are ready to do EVERYTHING else!!!

pictures are coming here later....

Käännös: Huomenna on rahoituskurssien viimeinen tentti tältä vuodelta. Perjantaina on vielä japanin tentti mutta siitä en jaksa huolehtia. Huomisesta tentistä sen verran että olen lukenut siihen viime perjantaista asti ja ne power point-esitykset rupee tulemaan mun korvistakin ulos! Joten pidin sitten tänään tauon ja polkaisin yhteen kaupungin pienistä kauppakeskuksista. Lopputuloksena oli täytettä vaatekaappiin ja kukkaron keventyminen. Tämä todistaa että kun pitäisi opiskella, sitä on valmis tekemään KAIKKEA muuta :D Kuvia laittelen myöhemmin

Saturday 26 November 2011

busy again...

again no time to post anything.... just learning, learning, learning. The 2 last exams for this year (our semester goes until early February) are next week and even on Saturday evening I am sitting home and learning. And tomorrow I am gonna get up so early that even thinking about it makes me feel sick :D

So I am gonna post more in a week or so. Till then here is a nice song which I hear a couple of days ago:

And those of you who are celebrating Christmas in less than one month, remember to hear those Christmas songs. They just make everything better ;)


Käännös: ei ole ollut aikaa postata mitään ihmeellisempää tänne. Koulun kanssa niin kauhia kiire että istun nyt, lauantai iltana, kotona ja aion lukea ens viikon tenttiin. Huomenna on tarkoitus herätä niin aikasin että kun edes ajattelen sitä, minulla tulee huono olo :) Yllä on linkki hyvään biisiin jonka kuulin vajaa viikko sitten. Ja niille jotka juhlivat joulua vajaan kuukauden päästä, kuunnelkaa joululauluja. Ne tekevät jokaisen päivän paljon kivemmaksi!

Saturday 19 November 2011

Let us begin

This one I saw at work when I was waiting for the elevator, and one of my collegues had printed the next saying on a paper and taped it on the elevator door:

“Yesterday is gone. 
Tomorrow has not yet come. 
We have only today. 
Let us begin.”
Mother Teresa

So let us begin.....

Käännös: odotin töissä hissiä ja hissin oveen oli teipattu seuraava sanonta: "Eilinen on mennyt, huominen ei ole vielä tullut. Meillä on vain tämä päivä. Aloittakaamme" - Äiti Teresa. Joten aloittakaamme....

Thursday 17 November 2011

You can fix a heart...

Sorry guys, next song is in German but it is really a cool song. Even though you think its over, there comes a time where the hope comes and the heart can be fixed. Underneath the video and the lyrics for "Udo Lindenberg feat. Inga Humpe: Ein Herz kann man nicht reparieren"

Text: Udo Lindenberg; Musik: Udo Lindenberg

Hör' mir jetzt mal zu, laß mich jetzt in Ruh'
und ruf' mich nicht mehr an...
Ich hab' keine Zeit, nicht gestern und nicht heut',
nicht morgen und nicht irgendwann
Mach dir endlich ist nicht mehr - es war...

Du mußt das kapier'n, eins wird nicht passiern'n,
mich kriegste nicht zurück...
Zieh doch einfach los, das Angebot ist groß
greif' dir 'n neues Glück
Jeglichen Verkehr...will ich mit Dir nicht mehr.....

Ein Herz kann man nicht reparier'n, ist es einmal entzwei
dann ist alles vorbei
Ein Herz kann man nicht reparier'n, niemand weiß wie das geht,
es ist meistens zu spät
Ein Herz kann man nicht reparier'n, da hilft keine Kur,
da rinnen Tränen nur
Ein Herz kann man nicht reparier'n, alles bleibt leer
und auch der Arzt hilft nicht mehr..........

Jeglichen Verkehr...will ich mit Dir nicht mehr...

Kniest dich vor mich hin, hat doch keinen Sinn,
mich kriegste nicht mehr rum...
Zieh' Dich wieder an, ich laß dich nicht mehr ran und
mach Dich doch hier nicht krumm
Wenn ich Dich so seh,...aus, das tut weh...

Ein Herz kann man nicht reparier'n, ist es einmal entzwei
dann ist alles vorbei
Ein Herz kann man nicht reparier'n, niemand weiß wie das geht,
es ist meistens zu spät
Ein Herz kann man nicht reparier'n, da hilft keine Kur,
da rinnen Tränen nur
Ein Herz kann man nicht reparier'n, alles bleibt leer
und auch der Arzt..hilft nicht mehr..........

Doch irgendwann wird sie vor mir steh'n,...die Frau mit der
Zaubermedizin...und sie sagt: " Kleiner ey, laß' mich mal sehn,...
ich glaub das kriegen wir wieder hin",...
ein Herz das kann man reparier'n...
und gehts mal entzweih, ist es längst nicht vorbei,...
ein Herz das kann man reparier'n...
Ich weiß wie das geht, es ist niemals zu spät.
Ein Herz das kann man reparier'n,...
Ich kenn da'ne Kur, da hilft küssen nur
Ein Herz das kann man reparier'n, ist doch gar nicht schwer,
und 'n Arzt brauchen wir nicht mehr

Wednesday 16 November 2011

If I were a boy

again one song that I could here over, over, over and over again :) Beneath again the lyrics(especially for Aida ;) )

If I were a boy, even just for a day
I'd roll out of bed in the morning and throw on what I wanted and go
Drink beer with the guys, and chase after girls
I'd kick it with who I wanted and I'd never get confronted for it
Cause they stick up for me

If I were a boy

I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he's taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

If I were a boy, I would turn off my phone

Tell everyone it's broken so they think that I was sleeping alone
I'd put myself first and make the rules as I go
Cause I know that she'd be faithful, waiting for me to come home
To come home

If I were a boy

I think I could understand, oh-oh-oohh-oh
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted (Wanted)
Cause he's taken you for granted (Granted)
And everything you had got destroyed

It's a little too late for you to come back

Say it's just a mistake, think I'd forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You got it wrong

But you're just a boy

And you don't understand (yea, you don't understand, oh!)
How it feels to love a girl someday
You wish you were a better man
You don't listen to her
You don't care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Because you've taken her for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

But you're just a boy

Monday 14 November 2011

In search of a gay friend

I have been thinking about it already earlier but I believe I am in need of a gay friend. Here are just some reasons why:

1. My boyfriend does not like to shop that much
2. Women do not always tell their true honest opinion (I have read that some women lie to their girl friends that a piece of clothing looks just amazing on them, even though it actually looks like a size 4 shirt has been fitted to a pig)
3. I need an HONEST opinion
4. Gay men usually know the latest trends and know how to look stylish but not overdressed
5. Gay men are funny and do not say something and think something else in their heads

So, if someone is interested, please let me know :)

yum yum!

Tonight I finally had time to cook. The result a sweetpotato&carrot-soup with cottage cheese and some basilicum. Just cook the sweetpotatoes and carrots, add cream and mix everything together.

I bought some time during last spring a humongous basilicum from the supermarket and it is still living and well in our kitchen. I hope to start next spring with lemon balm, mint (lamiaceae) and possibly some other herbs. It just gives such a great taste to any food. And the best thing, it can be used all the time, it is fresh and you dont need to go to the supermarket to get it, you can have all these amazing herbs in your own kitchen!

yes I had tasted it before I took the picture ;)
Käännös: Tänään mulla oli viimein aikaa kokkailla. Lopputuloksena ihanan värikäs bataatti-porkkanakeitto. Sekaan vain kerma, päälle vähän raejuustoa ja omasta keittiöstä basilikaa. Ostin viime keväänä ison basilikan paikallisesta supermarketista ja se voi ja kasvaa hyvin meidän keittiössä. Ensi keväänä toivon saavani ainakin sitruuna-melissan ja mintun alkutekijöihin. Tämä on melko vaivatonta ja kaikki ihanat yrtit löytyvät sitten omasta keittiöstä :)

Thursday 10 November 2011

Christmas can come

Today I wanted to go and see a friend of mine who is working at Depot, they sell really nice interior design things. They are cheap(In Germany they would be even cheaper) and the store was full of christmas stuff. I spent there longer than an hour and bought many small things.... Here is the result when I have gotten all the thigs together:

I dont care for a Christmas tree(I am flying anyways quite early to Finland) and in Finland we decorate the Christmas tree first on 23rd of December... And those glassvases I can use for many other decorations. After Christmas I can just take the red balls away and put something else there :)

Wednesday 9 November 2011

The Austrian Autumn

Since I am tackling between Austria and Finland, if I should stay here after my studies or if I should move back to Finland(for that we need a truck since I have so much stuff here), I have to give a point to the Austrian Autumn. The sun is shining, there are still leaves on the trees(most of them have already fallen down) and today, on 9th of November, they are forcasting 12 degrees and sunny. I can remember the Autumns in Finland, how dark, grey and sort of depressing they were. So unfortunately Austria 1- Finland 0. (but just to make the record straigth, I love Finland and it will always be the number one on my coutry list) 

Monday 7 November 2011

Home is where your heart is....

I just love this following song... Home is really where your heart is. And mine is missing right now. From the Swedish band The Sounds, this song is just unbelievable. Underneath also the lyrics to this song:

There was a place in my hometown where I use to wander
Above the trees I saw a big black cloud of thunder
Summer rain in my face like snowflakes falling from space
It was so beautiful, and then I passed the mountains
I went coast to coast, and from star to star
That's how you learn, just who you are


Home is where your heart is
Find where you belong, start to take control, show a little soul
Then you feel who you are
Home is where your heart is
Find where you belong, start to take control, show a little soul
Then you feel who you are

There was a time I couldn't see myself growing older

But then I went for a walk when I came back I was so much taller
Maybe try to find something that I could be part of
But I decided to leave, and then I crossed the river
I went coast to coast, and from star to star
But that's how you learn, who you really are


But I leave you with a kiss, there's so much more than this
When you know who you are

Oh, what you know, stop to think

Start to feel, and then you'll heal
You got to rise to the occasion, you got to read between the lines
Then maybe you'll find, who you are inside
When I look into your eyes, I feel what you feel
Come take my hand, let's go for a swim


But I leave you with a kiss, there's so much more than this
When you know who you are

Sunday 6 November 2011


It's Sunday evening and the weekend is turning to a close. But I had a nice weekend, I must say...

On Friday we had to do a questionnaire for our project at FH, we managed to ask from almost 30 pupils and get to really start our weekend. Friday was otherwise nice, almost 20 degrees and sunny.
One of the best things on this weekend was that I did not had to work on Saturday. Nowadays I am working only on every other Saturday and I just love waking up on Saturday without a hurry.

We did not eat breakfast at home, we went to Fingerlos(Mia tonne mennään toivottavasti sitten kun tulet tammikuussa käymään)

After breakfast we really did not know what to do. Our first plan was to go to the Zoo but somehow we were not that excited about it... so we went bowling!!!

And I lost ofcourse.. I even went so far as to throw the ball from between my legs. Of course with this strategy I did not hit a single pin..

In the evening we made something seriously awesome and sort of unhealthy for dinner: BURGERS!

I do not need to explain, just look at the picture below:

Sunday was full of doing nothing and FH-stuff... there is still enough to do!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

The package/paketti

I am going to post this post in Finnish since I got on Monday a small package from Finland. And my mom does not know that good English that she would be able to read this. This is for my mom!! So those who do not understand finnish, you better find someone who can translate it to you!

Eli maanantai iltana tulin töistä kotiin, kamalassa kiireessä tietenkin koska mun kaverit olivat tulossa mun luokse viettämään Halloweenia. Kävelin rappuset ylös ja meidän oven edessä odotti oranssi-valkoinen paketti. Tämä oli tietysti se paketti josta minun äiti oli paljon Skypessä jutellut: Mitä hän laittaa sinne ja ettei se vaan tule liian kalliiksi lähettää :)

Sisältä löytyi pelkkiä ihania juttuja mitkä vaan mun äiti osaisi pakata yhteen pakettiin. Tässä lista tavaroista ja alla kuva paketin sisällöstä
1. Purkki Fairya(koska itävaltalaisten astianpesuaineista ei ole mihinkään, eikä ne ole myöskään niin monikäyttöisiä kuin Fairy)
2. 400g Töysäläinen Oy:n Piparkakkuja (Glögi pitää sitten hakea Ikeasta, yhden piparin raaskin jo syödä)
3. 3 erikokoista kutomapuikkoa, sellaisia pyöreitä joilla on helppo tehdä vaikka kaulaliina tai pipo. Mukana oli myös virkkuukoukku... Tiiän mitä ostan kun tulen Suomeen jouluksi: matkalaukun täyteen lankoja?! Täällä langat on melko kalliita, eikä värivalikoima ole läheskään niin laaja ku Suomessa.
4. Äiskän virkkaama pannunalunen jossa oli ihana punainen sydän mukana (varmasti sekin oli itsetehty)
5. Pyykinpesupussi ohuille sukille(jotka aina jumittuu johonki kulmaan kun pesukone jyllää) ja alusvaatteille
7. Tyynynpäällinen (äiti ja iskä toivat mulle verhot ja yhden tyynynpäällisen, mulla on valitettavasti sängyn päällä kaksi sisustustyynyä). Ja äsken huomasin että äiti oli ommellut mulle ihanan meikkilaukun, samasta kankaasta kuin mun verhot ja tyynynpäälliset. Kiitti äiskä, tämä pussukka on tarpeen!
8. KRuoka, Yhteishyvä Ruoka ja Ruoka lehtinen. Mä kasailen nimittäin omaa "keittokirjaani" mun Marimekko vihkoon. Mallia otettu äitin 60- ja 70-luvun kokkailuvihkosta joka on vielä tänä päivänäkin kovassa käytössä. Sori Mia mut mä haluan sen vihkon sitten joskus omakseni ;)
9. RUUVIMEISSELEITÄ! Melkein paras osa koko paketin sisällöstä! Nämä olivat todella tarpeen koska me kasattiin pari viikkoa takaperin Ikean kaapisto saksien ja parin veitsen avustuksella ;) Nämä menevät säilöön ja käyttöä niille tulee varmasti!

Tässä oli tämän ihanan "pienen" paketin sisältö. Iso hali mun rakkaalle äiskälle sinne Saloon. Vain sä osaat kasata näin sydämellisen ja ihanan paketin omalle tyttärellesi tänne Itävaltaan. Paketteja ei tartte usein lähetellä, tämmöiset paketit lämmittää mun sydäntä pitkään! Iskä ja äiti, ootte mulle TOSI RAKKAITA! <3

Tässä kuva paketista:

Halloween 2011

On Monday was Halloween. Since the party last year was, to be really honest, shit, we decided to party it in a smaller group. There was only me, Lauriane, Alex, Julian and Stephan. We ended up looking at some seriously crappy Halloween films, eating, drinking and playing the game "who am I?". The idea of the game is that the others write a known persons/characters name on a paper and this paper is put to the forehead of one person(who does not of course know who he is). This person gets to ask questions but the only answer can be yes or no. In the end this person should be able to know, through the questions he/she has asked and the answers he/she has gotten, who he is.

Here the result of my work on my Halloween "outfit"

Hopefully everyone had a nice Halloween! :) I need to top next year my result of this year....


On Sunday evening we decided to go for a coffee somewhere in the city. I did not want to go to the same old places where we always have been... I have heard from my friends that Hangar-7 near the airport should be a really nice place. So we decided to go even though it took over half an hour with the bus to get there. But it was seriously worth it... here some pictures from our evening:

I also enjoyed a menu, which consisted of a starter, main course and a dessert. It was awesome but in order not to look like some stupid turist, I decided not to take photos of my food :) But otherwise it was more than a success. And I got to see the KTM bike from Mika Kallio, a professional  finnish motorcyclist!!! It was way smaller than I thought but I just found it so cool!

Management bilanzieller Risiken

Last Friday we had our first exam of this semester.

We learned a lot for the exam but when it came time that the exam was there and we needed to write it, it was like Hell had broken lose... One of the exercises was just so unbelievable that each one of us was battling with it for a long time! The exam should have lasted 60minutes, but we sat there almost for two hours...

After living in fear of having to do a re-exam during the coming weeks, today during the morning we got an email that the notes were there: 

Sehr gut, for those whose German skills are a bit rusted: I got the best possible note! That is just (if I may cite Barney Stinson) AWESOME!!!

Mixing those kitchens..

So one evening after we have learned for our exam(that was last week Wednesday) M came to my place and we cooked.

A day before I had already done Rosolli. This is sort of a salad, which is traditional to have in the Christmastable on the 24th of December in Finland. Here a short explanation how rosolli is done:

You need:
1. Potatoes, carrots, beetroot, apples, pickels and if you can, onions
2. cook the potatoes, carrot and beetroot(I took it from the can, the german beetroot is better because it should be salted and should not have that weird taste that the austrian beetroot has: so to say, it has the "finnish taste" of beetroot)
3. cut apples and pickles to small cubes during the other ingredients are cooking
4. cut the potatoes and carrots to cubes also and add to the other ingredients
5. if you are using onions, cut it also to small pieces. It should be raw
6. Mix everything together and there you have it: ROSOLLI
The best "salad dressing" to rosolli is whipped cream where you mix the juice of the beetroots. So that it gets salty and has a nice redish colour

Here a photo of my rosolli:

The other salad which we did was potatosalad. Now all my Austrian friends are gonna say: potatoes, onions and vinegar. Well in Finland we do it another way: In my potatosalad comes potatoes, hard cooked eggs, pickels, mayonnaise and a mix of a bit of vinegar, some spices and even a bit of sugar. Here the end result: 

And to get to the topic of my post is that Ms' mother made Schnitzel and we cooked it then and ate it with our two salads. So may I present: Austrian kitchen meets the Finnish kitchen: 

And to end this post, I cannot wait till Christmas when I get to sit to our amazing Christmas table where you can eat till you cannot eat anymore?! Eli joulupöytää odotellessa ;)

Time to do some serious updating..

So since my last week and a half have been really busy, I am gonna do some serious blogging tonight. I am not gonna tell everything in one post... I'd rather post many smaller ones :)

So guys, enjoy: It's gonna be everything from a package to my scary Halloween costume!

Sunday 30 October 2011

really busyyyy...

I'm so sorry guys for not posting for a week! But I promise tonight later I am gonna make a post about this week. With the exam, work, and preparation for tomorrow night: HALLOWEEN!

To get you guys in the mood: here is my favourite song (taken unfortunately from the movie "Nightmare before christmas" but atleast they are singing about Halloween(the town) ;)

Sunday 23 October 2011

Accidentally.... Everything for 2€s!?

Tonight I went with M to the old town to drink a coffee and then go back to my flat. Well I accidentally walked pass an open "jewelleryshop"(like these cheap ones where you find everything in every color and style). And here it is not normal that the shops are open on Sundays. I went in and I found out that they are closing the shop and all the jewellery from earrings to rings and necklaces were 2€s' a piece!

Of course I didnt walk out from the shop empty handed... I found some really nice stuff and so cheap?!

Here pics of my findings:

1. sort of antique style earrings
2. just fell in love in the colours ;)
3. Wooden, a bit bigger round earrings
4. I am not religious, I just find these type of necklaces really cool
5. I've been looking for such "wings" for a longer time. Looks really nice when I put the 2nd ones to my other earringholes
6. & 7. almost the same ones, but number 6s' are a bit more festive and gold
8. cute small earrings with leaves 
9. A really cool brown but still petite bracelet

And all of this for 16€ (instead of about 44€s).... not bad ;)

Sweet tooth aint that bad

And just so that everyone knows, I love chocolate and sweet things!!

And that is why I am so nice... no wonder that all those women who try to lose weight are so cranky!!! ;)

Here is a link to a study which can prove my point:

And after looking at that picture of pralines there, it makes me want some chocolate(its a good thing that I don't have any here)

New hair and the sun is shining outside

It's Sunday afternoon and I am learning for our first exam of this semester(or atleast trying). It's gonna take place on next Friday so technically I am in not in that much of a hurry. But I should be, because I know in the coming days I am not able to concentrate for 8 hours in learning. In stead I am gonna go and meet Hanna, see possibly some of my other friends, have an excuse to go buy food even though I have more than enough in my fridge. And the best excuse of all: internet. 

First of all I have a small room and most of the day I spend it in my room. I have all the rooms of a small familyhouse packed in my room: The bedroom, the living room, office, dressing room(okay maybe the house is a bit bigger), gym (maybe the family just had luck and the mother (haha, you chauvinists out there) just got a raise) and the garden(in my case a balcony where are only old plastic garden furniture) is all packed in my 15m2. This is why the possible activities in this small room are endless. But still the winning factor is my lovely eMachines laptop which provides me with the World Wide Web. This little monster makes it hard for me concentrate on my learning. But what can you do, either fight it or panic on Tuesday afternoon that I seriously should start learning (and then check if I have gotten new email, even though I just checked them five minutes ago)

So now to the exciting part. I went to the hairdresser yesterday morning. At it was close that I didnt even go! But thank god I did.... After hearing that the place where I was going to was not that good from another person and then heard from another person that it was a good place, I was insecure about going. It paid off and my new hairdresser Denis made an amazing job. Even though when he cut off those first 20cm off of my hair, I think I stopped breathing for about a minute.

But it is gone and I am happy to present my lovely new haircut, which I am so happy about! This was the change I need for this fall!

And I also went to a seriously cool coffeehouse here in Salzburg with Dani, the coffee was just amazing:

If someone is interested, here is the internetsite of the coffeehouse:

So I am gonna continue tackeling against the power of the internet and continue learning!


Wednesday 19 October 2011

Time to cut off some hair

As the fall is coming, the leaves are chancing color and then they fall to give space for snow and the cold weather. It is time for changes... well my change for this fall will be that I am gonna cut my hair. I've been trying to keep my long hair and try that it'll grow even longer. But on Saturday it is gonna change. I'm gonna cut 15-20cm off from my hair. Those that have known me for a longer time, know that I have had many different styles and cuts. Hopefully some day I am able to keep my head and grow my hair seriously long :)

Underneath is a photo of the length which I would like to have. I would even prefer to have a little bit shorter hair. And no, I am not going to dye my hair blond. I am more than happy with my darkbrown hair 

I am off now to celebrate M's graduation and to spend one of the last days with my "long" hair


Thursday 13 October 2011

WANTED: Colour!!

Now I have time, or atleast a little bit of time:)

Finally I am able to post my latest shoppings here:

I have fallen in love with really strong and bright colors during my time here in Salzburg. That might be the reason why I have green, orange, red and pink pants in my closet ;) Those green pants in the picture I bought last Saturday from Zara, and the orange trousers I bought today also from Zara. They have some really funky colored pants to offer (I recommend). The white shirt(Pimkie, was on sale) can be combined with many clothes, including all my pants mentioned above ;)

On Saturday I also found wintershoes for me. During the earlier years I haven't had a pair of real winterboots. Well this winter this point has been corrected and I am in love with my new boots <3 They are warm and now its the time to keep them open and a bit more loose. In the winter I can put on a pair of the socks which my grandmother knitted to my many years ago(those I have in purple and yellow and one pair in green which I have knitted myself) and close the boots properly.

So guys, even though the sun gets up earlier and darkness comes earlier, it does not mean that colors are forbidden. Its your time to bring some color to this dark season!!!


Wednesday 12 October 2011

South-Africa calling (or at leat e-mailing)

Well you guys, I have been seriously busy during the last days. I wanted to post something about my awesome Saturday and the evening when we went to see Cirque du Soleil. Unfortunately time flies and it is Wednesday evening. This post will also be quite short, since I need to write an E-mail to South-Africa concerning my Masterthesis. We got a list of the possible themes on Sunday on behalf of our university and I snapped an interesting theme for me. Today I had a talk with the person responsible for our specialisation and I was happy to hear that I can write my thesis 1. in english 2. with a very good professor who teaches in South Africa 3. I can stay in Salzburg 4. everything will be totally fine as we are only able to exchange e-mail (we will be able to meet duringo our 4th semester)

So now I am off to write that important Email. I'll keep you guys posted and Aida, the photos from my new clothes will come here tomorrow evening. Mä lupaan?! :)


Sunday 9 October 2011

A nice start to Sunday morning

Sunday  mornings rock... you dont have to hurry anywhere, you can stay in bed as long as you want and just hear good music like I did. This song was played on a music channel and I just wanted to post it. Alicia Keys has always made such beautiful songs and her voice is just amazing! M, this is for you :)

Hope everyone gets to enjoy their Sunday without any stress and worries 


Saturday 8 October 2011

Ohayo gozaimasu!

エリサSan here!

Yesterday I attended my first Japanese language class and I am so excited to learn this new language. You really have to start from the beginning because in Japanese the signs have nothing to do with our a,b,c,d,e's and so on....
When one classmate asked how many languages I can speak, I was surprised to realise that japanese is my 6th language which I am learning, when counting finnish in. Maybe I'll make it during my lifetime to be able to speak in 10 languages. When I choose wisely, I am able to speak with over half of the world with their own mother language?!

As starters here are some basic information about Japan / 日本国: 

Estimated population for 2011: 127,960,000
Capital: Tokio with over 12.000.000 habitants
Official language: none
National language: Japanese
National foundation day: 11th of February 660BC

Here some photos of the course material we have learned or what we are going to learn(and I picture taken somewhere in Japan):

It's all about Katakana and Hiragana: the 1st one is for the foreigners who are learning japanase and the latter one is the traditional way of writing japanese. We are learning first the Katakana and it is unbelievable how similar the words are to english, once you know how to say them correctly ;)

And our teacher also told us that the Finnish people are the Japanese people of Europe. Unfortunately I do not think this will help my learning process. I just need to practice the signs everywhere I can, yesterday I was drawing the sign in the air on the bus and in the train on my way home :)

But if one wants to learn, you just need to keep on repeating, repeating and repeating!

Thursday 6 October 2011

All the small things...

Perfect form, unbelievable endurance, unbelievable result and the perfect speed.....

Sorry guys, I am not talking anything dirty here: I'm talking about my new washmachine which is whirring (suomalaisittan surraa) in our bathroom. After fighting with it on Monday, taking a break on Tuesday and then trying to open the backside with the wrong sized screwdriver on Wednesday, my dad sent me an sms about the right screwdriver (those who know their screwdrivers, its' correct name is Thorx) today morning. At this point I wish to thank one swedish furniture shop which name consists of 4 letters and is written in yellow and the shops themselves are blue!!! Thank you for putting those little L-shaped "screwdrivers" to almost every package you sell! With this little L-shaped tool, I was able to open the backside of my washmachine and realize that the bottom was not closed but open!? The small part which was bothering us was laying on the floor just waiting to be picked up.....

But anyways, I am happy to present to the whole world my new Whirlpool AWO 5423:

Then to other things:
Since I had to give up the idea of taking part in the chinese course at the university of Salzburg, I have found (thanks to Alex) a good replacement for this loss: tomorrow morning I am taking part in a japanese language course.  

Domo Arigato Gaimatsu!!

Eventhough my weekend started today, tomorrow we have a long day a head of us with many FH tasks but I cannot wait for Saturday: It's time to go and see Cirque du Soleil! 

Been waiting to get to see the show for many years and finally on Saturday its time to see the worlds best known circus. From what I understand there should be one finnish man also but he might also take part in some other tour which Cirque du Soleil is having right now.

To end my blog for today I want to recommend one really good restaurant (99% Tourist-free): Lemonchilli on Nonntaler Hauptstrasse  in Salzburg

Not only the food was amazing but they do the most amazing drinks ever which fit to the Mexican food really good. My new favourite: Hugo!

A big hug to my best mexican friend Hugo, I wish to enjoy mexican food with you one day again!

with löööööve, Elisa <3

Monday 3 October 2011


For today I only need two words: new washmachine

You guys certainly know that when one buys something new, one is happy and excited about this new thing. Well everything went well till we started to install this machine:

1. one part(which was holding the drum for the transport) fell into the washmachine. Well this should of course be removed, otherwise it could brake the machine from the inside

2. I would hope that when one pays many hundred €uros for a washmachine, you would get all the part that you need for the installation. Well this was not the case!!

2a. We drove(or rather moved in the speed of a snail) to a shop which logo is a Red House and the free english translation would be: construction house. The whole trip for the two small parts took almost 1,5 hours and the shop was not that far away

3. Since we were totally hungry after fighting with the machine for the last 2 hours, we went to an American fastfood chain which can be recognised from the yellow capital letter M. I ate a burger which I saw in an add and my day got even worse: when it says the burger has bacon, it does not mean one little piece of bacon?!

4. till this point we did not know the effects of point 1, until I phoned my dad in Finland. This of course did not help the situation.....

5. Since I have moved from Finland to Austria, my dads' screwdriver collection is not in my use: this day showed that I seriously need to buy a box with the basic screwdrivers. Some tools used today: scissors, a kitchenknife, a normal knife and of course ONE small screwdriver

6. At the end I was personally not at all happy to have a new washmachine. When I have to buy my next washmachine I am so paying some installer a good money that he does it in like 10mins and I can just turn the machine on...

Or maybe its just the first timers problems which we faced: maybe for the next time I have learned something

And to seriously make my day even better I came home from grocery shopping and found out that my milk was frozen?! And those who ask: was your milk in the freezer? No it was not?! our stupid fridge is just so cold in the back that stuff freeze if they are put into the back. And our fridge is so small, that putting the food of two people in there is already an accievement.

But hopefully all the stupid things are over for today and I get to enjoy my cooking: nudels with bambu and pigsmeat and for dessert: finnish pancakes with whipped cream and strawberry jam!

with sugarpeas it would have been perfect!

No words needed.... just enjoy!
I really hope(or know) that everyone had a better start for the week than me :)

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Learning is so hard...

Today we had the first financial course of this semester. It was interesting, funny and I learned really alot. My brain didnt like learning that much (or the sun, since I spent an hour in the sun after I had left FH). I had the worst headache ever! Please refer to my Facebook status update: "Päänsärky on perseestä". So I decided to go to bed and sleep...

My plan of actually learning something and searching more photos for my upcoming bodyart had to be thrown to the trash.

Oh yeah, yesterday I threw one pair of shoes away and today I realized my black ballerinas had gotten a bit too old.... So I threw 2 (!) pairs of shoes away in less than 24hours. I made it better today by buying a new pair of black ballerinas and I also found a really nice fall-coloured dress on sale(the dress I bought yesterday due to the fact that I had already thrown a pair of shoes away)!

50% off

one of the basics really

So I leave everyone to enjoy their Wednesday evening, tomorrow morning'll start another new course for me. Looking forward to it!