Thursday 4 October 2012

Korkeakoulutettu ja työtön, mutta miten kauan?

Suomen Tilastokeskuksen mukaan elokuussa 2012 Suomessa työttömyysaste oli 7,3%. Odotettavissa on että työttömyys nousee, jokainen meistä näkee että yritykset supistavat toimintojaan joka päivä ja satoja jää työttömäksi seuraavien kuukausien aikana.
Itse valmistuin juuri maisteriksi liiketaloudessa, erikoistumisena rahoittaminen ja riskien hallinta. Olen jo muutaman päivän miettinyt, miten minun käy kun palaan Suomeen muutaman viikon kuluttua. Minulle tulee auttamatta mieleen tradenomi tutkintoni jälkeinen työnhakuprosessi. Monta kieltävää vastausta tuli, muutamaan haastatteluun tuli kutsu mutta lopputulos oli pyöreä nolla ja opiskelupaikan etsintä. Yksi suurempi lääkefirma kertoi valitsematta jättämisen syyksi työkokemuksen puutteen. Muuten minussa ei yrityksen mukaan ollut mitään "vikaa", minun tulisi pysyä omana positiivisena itsenäni. Mietin vieläkin että miten nuoret, hyvin koulutetut henkilöt voivat menestyä työurallaan jos harva haluaa ottaa meitä töihin? On fakta että suuret ikäryhmät ovat jo hiljalleen siirtymässä eläkkeelle ja monet yritykset jäävät ilman osaajia. Enkä itse usko että tämän hetken osaajat ovat päässeet sinne missä ovat, ilman yritysten ottamaa riskiä kouluttaa uuni tuoreet valmistuneet yrityksen tavoille.
Itse olen opiskeluni suorittanut enkä ole halukas enää kouluttamaan itseäni "opiskelija" nimikkeellä eteenpäin. Ulkomaille meneminen ei ole pois suljettu mahdollisuus, jos suomalaiset yritykset eivät osaa arvostaa kovin töitä tekeviä nuoria jotka ovat halukkaita näyttämään taitonsa ja oppimaan uutta.

Jännityksellä odotan mitä seuraavat kuukaudet tuovat mukanaan.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

"Chanel" jacket

Most of you know the real Chanel tweed jacket (can be seen in the picture underneath this text)

Well, since that type of jacket can cost many hundreds of €uros, I'll just leave it to the picture....
I found a cheap version of "the Chanel tweed jacket". H&M is currently marketing their autumn collection 2012 with Lana Del Ray on their ads. Those ads have been on tellies, streets and every where else for a longer time already. I'm always late when it comes to ads like that. I happened to see one dress (which turned out to be quite ugly) and I ended up also seeing this one blazer/jacket. I went to the hunt today afternoon and in the second H&M shop I found the blazer/jacket!

Master of arts


I survived the last final exam and I am now a Master of Arts in Business... How cool is that then???

I actually made it already last week Thursday but the fact is hitting me now. I don't need to learn the whole day and concentrate on school. It's actually over for me, in that sense that I have now reached the academic level which I wished to reach. Now I'm ready for new adventures and challenges. For now I'm packing my stuff here in Salzburg since in 1,5 weeks I'm moving back to Finland. It's gonna be quite a big change since I have lived in Austria the last 2 years. I'm gonna post one big post about Austria before I leave :)

Now I'll just enjoy my free time and do the stuff that I haven't done for a long time!

Saturday 22 September 2012

Theory and practice

Theory is that, where everything is known, but nothing works

Practice is that, where everything works, but no one knows why

We have mixed theory and practice so, that nothing works and no one knows why.

I wish my whole class of BWI-M2010 a lot of luck next week for your final oral exams!!

Että näin....

lauantai iltana!!

siis mitäs tässä, toivon mukaan tänään on viimeinen lauantai ilta joka minun tarvitsee viettää opiskellessa. Ensi viikon torstaina (kuten varmaan teistä moni jo tietääkin) on minun suullinen tentti. Testataan olenko minä ansainnut viimeisen kahden vuoden opiskelun perusteella maisterin paperit.... 

toivottavasti, siis en yritä väittää että olisin jotenkin niin fiksu että mun kuuluisi saada tuo tutkinto ja titteli ensi viikolla eikä uusintakerralla tammikuussa. Kun me suomalaiset emme ole kuitenkaan niin kamalan tittelihulluja... ei ainakaan niin hulluja kuin itävaltavalaiset. Jos täällä henkilö on kaksinkertainen maisteri ja kaksinkertainen tohtori, niin ennen nimeä sitten kyllä tämä mainitaan.
Periaatteella tohtori, tohtori, maisteri, maisteri Schmidt (tämä on (Wikipedian) tilaston mukaan Saksan toiseksi yleisin sukunimi, ja mä en tykkää Müller nimestä). 
Mä taidan pitäytyä ihan mun sukunimessä, mitä sitä turhaa sanomaan että olen maisteri. Mä olen vaan, MÄ!


Wednesday 19 September 2012

Stress pur!

So, just about 190 hours till my final oral exam... when taking away a the time I sleep (during this time its about 6-7hours per night). So I'm left with about 140hours of time, minus everything else I do during this time... This would be about 3-4hours every day. This gives me a total amount of learn time before my final oral exam of less than 100hours...

Is this enough? Who knows, that will all be revealed next week Thursday at 10am (Austrian time)

Till that, I'm just gonna stress out, learn my ass off, and even believe a little bit in God (even though I actually dont believe in it) in order to have a positive outcome next week Thursday!

Fyi; I dont smoke or take any pills! :D

Monday 17 September 2012

Good night!

So, staying up late and working on my presentation about my thesis... For the next song you need to know german ;) I absolutely love this song and it reminds me about the times in Cologne, Germany.

Good night!

Friday 14 September 2012


Tiedättekös, jotkut ihmiset (kuten minä) ovat todella lahjakkaita nukkumisen suhteen. Ei ole väliä mitä kello on, ei ole väliä miten monta tuntia olet nukkunut yöllä tai miten paljon olet tehnyt päivän aikana töitä. Nukkua voi aina! Siis melkein aina....

Jokainen meistä tuntee sanan "päikkärit". Tämä tarkoittaa yleensä päivän aikana otettuja lyhyitä nokosia. Pistää itsensä suoraksi sänkyyn, heittää torkkupeiton päälle ja pistää simmut kiinni. Yleinen aika tälläiselle tapahtumalle on iltapäivän tunnit. 

Eilen minulle iski uni jo aamupäivällä. Olin lukenut jo lopputenttiin aamu kasista kymmeneen. Totesin kymmenen jälkeen että nyt väsyttää. Vedin peiton korviin, sanoin M:lle että herätä mut vartin päästä ja käänsin kylkeä. Ulkona satoi ja oli hämärää. Koska tämä kaikki tapahtui ennen keskipäivää, ristin nukkumiseni aakkareiksi. Päikkäri-sanan alkuhan kun on johdettu sanasta päivä, niin otin oikeudet omiin käsiini ja johdin aamu-sanasta itselleni uuden nukkumismuodon...

Sunday 9 September 2012

Those white pants of hers...

As some you may know, New York Fashion Week is in full play right now. All designers are showing their new S/S2013 collections (I fell in love with Ivana Helsinki's collection) and the fashion world has its eyes on New York. Well I'm not that enthusiastic about the fashion weeks, usually my reaction is "what in the world?!" or "did she take the time machine from MC Hammer to us?!". Anyways, I saw this picture of Alicia Keys wearing some really nice pants.

This type of pants, which have a black stripe on the sides makes the legs of any woman look thinner. I would like to see how such pants would look on me... Need to look for those ;) There is a dress at Mango in this style but I would find more use for pants than a dress. Those who are interested, here a picture of the dress and a beneath it is the link to the Austrian online shop of Mango

Guilli- dress (Mango)

Friday 7 September 2012


Sometimes I think, why put an alarm on? Well, in order to get up on time or earlier than one usually gets up.

For me its more for "getting up earlier than usual". This was the case today morning, my alarm went on at 7am. I was awake for 15mins and thought that I don't really wanna get up that early. Put the alarm on for 8am. Woke up again, and turned the alarm to 9am...... But this time I woke up 10 to 9 ;)

But hey, at least Im now well slept and not tired 


Thursday 6 September 2012

Burgundy leather jacket!

So, yesterday I was surfing in internet even though I was supposed to learn (my final oral exam is in exactly, almost to the minute, three weeks from now) and I bumbed into a pic of Rosie Huntigton-Whiteley running on the streets of London... And that leather jacket of hers, totally fell in love with it. Have a look yourself:

The problem here is, that the jacket in the picture is from Balenciaga and it retails at Barneys New York for a whopping $2600 (with todays exchange rate a nice 2160€), and for the moment its actually sold out.... So I can just forget that, need to find a cheaper version somewhere else! The seach continues ;)

Thursday 9 August 2012

Military style nails

I was surfing the internet for some of the new fall/winter 2012 trends when I stumbled to this next pic:

Source: Zalando UK

These type of nails are a part of the A/W2012 military trend. I need to find myself a matt nailpolish in order to be able to create this look :)

The surfing continues....

Monday 6 August 2012

When you have a lot to do, you just...

do nothing (or something totally unimportant), right??

No but seriously, its kinda funny when you know that you should do many things but at the end of the day you have only done like half.
I had quite a relaxing weekend with some friends and even read a bit for my final exam (still keeping my fingers crossed that my master thesis is going to get the green light, so that I can take part in the final oral exam)

I've been surfing and internetshopping, thank god I am not type of a person who orders stuff directly from internet (the main problem being that I should give my credit card info, and I really dont trust that when they book the money in advance and I want to return the stuff, that I really get my money back!)

Here a nice picture of Kate Moss (I dont find her that pretty but I'm looking forward to that dress she has on)

Käännös: Taas kun on kamalasti kaikkea tekemistä niin mä teen tietysti kaikkea muuta mitä pitäisi. Nettikaupat ovat olleet kovassa käytössä viime aikoina, en ole kyllä tilannut yhtään mitään sillä en tykkään maksaa ensin luotolla ja sitten vasta saada tavarat (enkä kyllä luota siihen että saan maksettuja rahojani takaisin). Yläpuolella on Kate Moss (mun mielestä hän ei kyllä luonnossa ole mikään kaunotar) ja mua hotsittaa nähdä toi mekko livenä, kun se tulee kauppoihin (Itävallassa tuo mekko tulee Mango myymälöihin 31.8, Suomesta en sitten tiiä)

Saturday 14 July 2012

I love my bed

After a long day and a relaxing evening Im going early to bed. I have pyjamas on and feel tired.

Greets from my warm bed

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Berlin in one pic (almost)

As I am really lazy to talk about each every little thing we did in Berlin, I made a picture collage about the trip :)

We ate well, we saw alot, we bought some cool stuff and saw many sides of Berlin.

1st small things from Berlin

So, we came back from Berlin last night and were at home around midnight. After sleeping for 10 hours, I'm still really tired and I have nothing in my fridge. Here a small thing I bought from the airport and one pic from Berlin. More coming later

Lancóme collection - many different parfumes for many situations ;)

Schönbrunn park in Berlin

Wednesday 4 July 2012

New cellphone

Continuing with something new, I bought myself last week a new cellphone. My old one stopped working and had some problems (it would turn off by itself from time to time). Since I gave my thesis in last week Friday, I though this cellphone to be a gift from myself to myself since after 5 months of hard work my thesis was ready. Here two photos, one with me and my thesis and one of my new cellphone Sony Ericsson Xpedia Arc S

New watch

My dear friend Aida bought herself a new watch  and she sent me a link to the firm's onlineshop, where she bought her watch. Well, of course I found myself also a nice watch. And Aida was so nice that she bought me the watch, and since my wrist is so small, I can go to the shop and they make it smaller, even though I get my hands to the watch first in October when I'm back in Finland. Aida even sent my a pic of my watch (it looks pink but underneath the pic is the link to the watch on Ur&Penn's onlineshop). And the nice thing is that Aida promised to give me this watch as my bday present, since I have my Bday in September.

here the link:

Käännös: Aida hommasi mulle uuden kellon Suomesta käsin. Hän oli löytäny Ur&Penn:stä kellon ja lähetti mulle linkin nettikauppaan. Mä löysin kellon ja Aida oli niin ihana että ostin kellon mulle. Mun pitää mennä pienentämään sitä kun olen takaisin Suomessa, mun ranne kun on ku pikkulapsella. Anyways, tämä on mun synttärilahja samalla, sillä pääsen kelloon käsiksi ensin lokakuussa ja mun synttärit on syyskuussa :) Kiitos, Aida <3

100th post

What should I say.. never thought it would come this far, but here it is. My 100th post.


Monday 25 June 2012

Swiss chocolate

My dear friend Lauriane came to Salzburg for a visit and she brought me Swiss chocolate:

Thank you Lauriane <3

Friday 22 June 2012


In German there is this saying "Kein Bier vor vier". This can be freely translated in English as "no beer before four". Well, its now 4.05pm and I just opened a beer.


H&M: Sale!

It makes me really wonder with what basis the Swedish clothingline H&M is able to be so successful. Of course the normal prices of the clothes have gotten a bit more expensive but when H&M has sale, even I get a bit crazy (even though my closet is full and I really dont need half of the stuff I bought). But anyways, I was last week in Linz (Upper Austria) and saw there that H&M had sale. There I bought 2 shorts. This week Monday I went to H&M here in Salzburg with a friend of mine. Of course they had also sale, but most of the good stuff was already gone. I still found the same shorts which I bought on Friday, in another colour in my size, 2 dresses and bikinis. 
Then I WENT AGAIN yesterday to H&M, with another friend of mine, and found again something: 2nd bikini and a skirt. I also bought myself new black ballerinas, since my old ballerinas were so worn out that I had to throw them away a month ago....

Two rules that I always try to have in my mind during sale are that even though it is cheap, you don't have to buy it and are you gonna wear it next summer also?

Anyways, here my shopping results:

Thursday 21 June 2012

Berlin callin'

In two weeks I'm off to Berlin with M (and his team). 

We just booked the tickets!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

New nails

Yesterday me and M drove to Germany and did a little bit of shopping (grocery, shoe and other shopping) since the prices are lower in Germany than in Austria. 

Well I found (again) some nice nailpolishes and some "nailstickers", if I may call them so. Here's what I bought and what the end result wa:


Rain = chocolate

I have to say that I really like my insurance company. Not because of the good insurances (which they are actually offering) but because of the nice little extra service in the for "storm info sms". They send me a free sms in which they inform when it is going to rain really alot or when there is going to be a thunderstorm etc. The best thing is that they are quite reliable based on the starting point of the train. Today I got an sms at 7am where they informed that the rain will start at 3pm today. Well, it started  2.50pm ;)

Anyways, it is forecasted that the rain goes till tomorrow afternoon. And for me I can just be at home, write my thesis and keep myself warm. Chocolate is a nice alternative, it does not make me warm but it makes me feel good. Well, it makes me forget that the weather is really crappy... Again this thing with "women" but hey, what can you. 

Chocolate just makes me sweeeeeeet


Saturday 9 June 2012

Shoes, shoes, shoes and SHOES

I decided yesterday (if I would finish all the tasks for my thesis yesterday evening) that I would go shoe shopping today. I have a day off from work so I really didn't have a hurry. A friend of mine called me and she decided to come with me (spontaniously). She kept her head and did not buy a single pair of shoes. Well I didnt have a head to beginn with, so I ended up buying 3 new pair of shoes.

Käännös: Päätin eilen illalla että jos saan kaikki suunnitellut jutut tehtyä gradun suhteen, menen tänään kenkäostoksille. No sain kaiken aikaiseksi ja tänään lähti kaverikin spontaanisti mukaan kenkäkaupoille. Hän piti päänsä, eikä ostanut yhtään uutta kenkäparia. No mulla ei nyt ollut päätä tai mitään sen kummallisempi ajatuksia päässä, joten lopputuloksena oli yläpuolella olevat 3 paria kenkiä

waking up... later

So, yesterday I stayed up till 01.30, since I just couldnt get sleep. I tried to make myself believe that I can get up early today, my alarm clock went at 8.30.... well, I woke up, turned my alarm clock out and listened the rain outside. I decided that since it's raining so hard (and cause I was tired), I turned around in bed and continued sleeping. about 1,5 hours later I woke up and actually got up. Weekends just rock!

Käännös: Menin eilen vasta puoli kahden aikoihin sänkyyn, kun en saanut nukuttua. Mietin että olen tehokas näin lauantai aamulla ja pistin kellon soimaan puoli yhdeksältä. Heräsin kylläkin, mutta kuulin että ulkona satoi vettä kuin aisaa. Koska vesisade ei houkutellut nousemaan (ja olin vielä väsynytkin) käänsin kylkeä, jatkoin nukkumista ja heräsin tuossa puolisen tuntia sitten (nousin myös). En valita viikonloppujen suhteen!


Friday 8 June 2012

It's been a while

The last weeks for my thesis are running... time to give my all and give it by 2nd of July at FH. Everyone thumbs up for me. So much has happened that I really do not even wanna start talking about everything. My blog will be brought back to life at the beginning of July. 

Till then...

And I sang: "Only the voiceeeees, can bring us back hooooooome" :D (that is of course not correct)

Write you in a couple of weeks. Thanks for reading (my very few posts) and I hope to be able to deliver more stuff during the summer (about Berlin, Munich, Salzburg, Linz, Vienna, clothes, fashion and who knows what)

Thursday 17 May 2012


So, everything possible has happened during the last days. I have been working for my thesis, the toilet broke, I ironed a hole to my work shirt(we can wear the new uniform starting next week Monday, and the hole can be covered with a cardigan, so no one can see it), the flat iron fell to the floor as I was ironing (10cm from my feet), it hailed as I went from the busstation to home, so I was totally soaked after I got home (its about 100m from the busstation to my house) and well... that was already enough negative things, right? :D

Otherwise the only thing that I am rooting for is the Finnish ice-hockey team. Their performance has not been the strongest during the IHWC but hey, I hope we are able to win USA in order to get to top 4! I seem to be the only one here (except my other finnish friend) who even knows that the ice hockey championships are happening right now. But who cares, my neighbours might think I am being beaten up or that someone has broken into my house since I get quite loud as watching the ice hockey games where Finland is playing. You middle-europeans, you just don't get how important ice hockey is to us Finns ;)

I got my lovely cellphone back two days ago. It was sent to be fixed since it turns off by itself. The guy said that they just downloaded the software new. Problems: my cell speaks only german, english and turkish. And since I have a cell which has a keyboard (the finnish one), my Y and Z have changed places, the Å has changed to Ü and all the special characters have changed places.... It might take a while that I learn where everything is, but if my cell turns off even once more, Im heading to the shop and buying myself a new cellphone.

To end my really mixed and "all-round" post, here a really cool video from Swedish House Mafia "Greyhound"

Saturday 12 May 2012

Saturday night

So, its Saturday evening again.... and what am I doing?? I'm learning and studying. Can't believe it myself either but hey, sometimes it has to be so. Only 6 weeks time till I need to give my master thesis for checking, and I have enough to do for another course at the uni. 

But hey, today it rained and it was so depressing. Yesterday was +30 degrees, we bought even ice-cream in Salzburg but that didnt help at all! At the balcony was SOOOO warm, we ate tortillas and watched how Finland lost against Canada in the IHWC (Ice Hockey Wold Championships). So this time, GOOOOO CANADA! 

I'll continue writing and working. Hope your Saturday evening is more interesting than mine  ;)


Monday 7 May 2012

Fruit-ads, where??

Actually I wanted to post about this thing already yesterday but then I forgot it. Just came home from the grocerystore and as I was walking home it came into my mind again. 

Here in Salzburg, there is quite a lot of ads next to the roads so it is possible to see many different advertisements. A good example is on the other side of the street from my house, where they are building a new swimmingpool/swimmingarea, where people can go and relax but still stay in the city. Anyways, since they have to cover the buildingsite a bit, there are these huge ads. The thing is, and not only there but all around the city, that the ads are either about some cars, insurance company or my favourite, sweet snacks. I love chocolate, don't get me wrong but I find that everyone should look what they are eating that they also eat veggies and fruits. I started to think how many people want to get that chocoholate on the ad, and just run through the veggie and fruit section? There are no interesting ads to be seen in TV or on the streets where bananas, oranges, apples, cucumber or salads or what ever are presented so that when you see the ad, you want to buy them. Is it in our society self-explaining that everyone knows how healthy fruits are and that no ads are needed? On the otherside it can be read how people in different countries are getting more and more overweight. The funny thing which I saw in a document was that in the developed countries the amount of calories is really high but the caloriecontent really low. When a 3rd world country or less developed countries were looked at, the calorie amount was on a healthy level, even a little bit too low but then the caloriecontent (meaning vitamins, minerals, proteins etc) was very high.

I hope the reason for almost no ads about fruits and veggies is not only due to the profit-seeking companies producing these industrially sweetened "goods". For me the veggies and the fruits speak for themselves with their colours, different tastes and healthiness. Hopefully it is also the same with you guys!

 The ad's above are not anyways directed against the companies presented in the ads and the writer has no personal dislike against the companies!!

Sunday 6 May 2012

Good night!

Still working on a Sunday evening for my thesis... Started first later during the evening, so that's why I'm still working :) But anyways, added some new songs to my playlist in Spotify and I really like the one from Lil Wayne and Bruno Mars called "Mirror".

Nothing interesting to report about the weekend really. I've packed some of my stuff into a cardboard box which I am sending back to Finland. It's mostly just stuff which I wish to sell at the fleamarket. I have to say that when you are not planning to move anywhere or you are not in a situation where you just need to get rid of clothes, you don't realize how much stuff you have in you closet. RIGHT? :)

Anyways, underneath the song. Wish everyone a good night and a great start for the week. I have lectures tomorrow at 8.15am! And I'm gonna wear my new shoes, I'll post them tomorrow. 


Friday 4 May 2012

Good morning!

People, it's Friday again!! The weekend is almost here, just the last day of sitting in the classroom or working at the desk or what ever your workstation is! Then comes the weekend, which gives a nice break from the week and everyone can (hopefully) reload their batteries.

As I posted yesterday about my new top and necklace, the latter one comes into use already today. I don't really post that many pics of myself (I find those "stretch-your-arm-and-try-to-keep-the-camera-so-that-you-cant-see-it-in-the-picture" pictures really funny) since my flat is so small anyways that no matter where I stand there is some distraction behind me or you can't see me from head to toe, I've kept those pictures to minimum. Anyways, I managed to take one picture this morning from myself with my new necklace.

Since my lovely Nokia cell was quite cheap and it keeps turning off by itself(going to take it to the shop today or next week), the quality of the picture is not that good.

But anyways, enjoy the weekend. I'm gonna go work tomorrow and on Sunday its all about writing again. Have one chapter to finish and then I can concentrate on my practical part. In two months it is all over, can't believe that this feeling would ever reach me! 

Thursday 3 May 2012

Shopping, again...

 So last week Friday I lost my control a bit at DM and ended up buying quite a lot of make-ups...

Here's what I bought:

I'm determined to learn how to make the perfect smokey eye :) And I'm also learning to use some lipstick, I love really dark red so that was a great choice. And those Balea-masks were so cheap (about 50snts) so even though they don't help, I don't mind.

Today I went to H&M to look for a dress for one of my best friends without result. The workers there were not even aware that they had such a dress, in other country that is. But after scouting the shop I found something for myself (of course, who would have expected that? :D)

Here's what I found:

Both of these were so cheap that I just couldnt left them at the store, end price: 15€ :)

I have my japanese mid-term tomorrow, its time to fight my flu and learn a bit.

Monday 30 April 2012

Klara VAPPEN!!!

Toivotan kaikille tasapuolisesti hauskaa vappua, ei riehuta sitten liikaa ja katsotaan toisten perään jos kaverit on ottaneet yhden liikaa tai meinaavaat muuten vaan lähteä omille teilleen :) Me nautitaan täällä mahtavasta aurinkoisesta ja lämpimästä päivästä. Täällä ei ole ihan samalaista perinnettä vapun suhteen niinku Suomessa mutta mä teen itselleni vappua hieman.

Simat tein jo viime viikolla ja se odottaa jääkaapissa valmiina. Rosetteja tehdään kohta ja serpentiiniä löytyy vielä kaapista viime vuoden jäljiltä.

Että hauskaa vappua vain!!

Käännös: Happy vappua to all! :) (for further information, please contact the writer)

Sunday 29 April 2012

Huh hellettä

Luinpa pari päivää sitten MTV3:sen ja Iltalehden nettisivuilta että Keski-Euroopassa pukkaa hellettä... 

voin vahvistaa uutisen, istun juuri tällä hetkellä ulkona auringossa shortsit jalassa ja bikinit päällä. Eilen aiheutin juhlamekko päällä itselleni ensimmäiset rusketusrajat... Tuuli käy kivasti viilentäen ja puut vihertää. Hauskaa sunnuntain jatkoa kaikille! Mä nautin auringosta, huomen on kaiketi "vain" 25 astetta :)

Thursday 26 April 2012

Make up

So I woke up today quite early and went grocery shopping already at 8.30am. Next to my grocerystore is DM, its like this "allround-small-stuff-you-need-to-keep-you-and-your-home-pretty". I went to buy powder but I came home with the stuff above. The thing is (when comparing Finland and Austria) makeups are way more cheaper here than in Finland. I bought at the end a concealer, powder, a smokey-eye-brush, nailart (like these sticker ones) and then this funny concealer pallette.
The colours are green, pink and then three different skin shades. The green is used to cover the redness of the skin, the pink to hide dark circles and the three skin shades are to give an even endlook. I found it so funny to put on such colours on my skin but I have to say they worked! Really looking forward to using them in the future also :)

Ultra ja Bra

Again something only my finnish speaking friends can understand... But you can look the video I posted (also in Finnish)

Muistatteko silloin joskus aikoja sitten kun Ultra Bra oli niin "hip"? Muistan aina Terhi Kokkosen ihanan pitkät hiukset ja miten Ultra Bra bändissä oli niin paljon jäseniä mutta se toimi vaan aina niin mahtavasti. Mä ite juoksin aina kaupungin kirjastossa lainaamassa niitten levyjä ja kyllä ne biisien sanat vieläki tulee mieleen. Ei silloin oikeen viikkorahat riittäny CD-levyihin. Jostain löytyy kuitenkin Ultra Bran tuplakokoelmalevy. Tässä linkki Youtubeen ja Ultra Bran biisiin "Sinä lähdit pois". Mun all-time-fävörit!

 p.s. tänään oli hirmusen lämmin päivä ja huomenna ajattelin mennä ulos shortsit jalassa!

Wednesday 25 April 2012


So, yesterday (and today, since I surfed in Mangos' internetshop yesterday) I did some shopping at work. And of course I wanted to buy only one thing but at the end it was a bit more. Here's what I bought:

 Really nothing much to say, I love each piece and I have overcome the horrible memories from elementary school were I was running around with a jeansjacket which FOR SURE did not fit me in any angle :D

Käännös: Ostelin parit jutut töistä eilen ja tänään. Mun piti rajoittaa ostot vain eiliselle mutta eilen menin sitten surffailemaan meidän  (siis Mangon) nettisivuille. Olen viimein päässyt yli mun kamalista ala-asteen muistoista jolloin juoksi ympäri kaupunkia farkkutakissa, joka ei istunut mistään suunnasta :D


About two weeks ago I did lasagne myself. From beginning till the end. And I wanted to share my recipy and the steps, how to make a good lasagne. My recipy is without onion since I cannot eat it. But anyways, here the ingredients:

 4 lasagnesheets

Minced meat sauce:
400-500g minced meat 
2-3 Carrots
1 can of tomatopuree
black pepper
2 tsp basilicum

Cheese sauce:
6dl milk
4 tsp flour
white pepper or nutmeg
3dl (150g) grated cheese

First start by cooking the minced meat in a pot and mix the spices to it

 During that grate the cheese and carrots and mix the carrots, can of the tomatopuree to the minced meat:
 And it should look like this: 
Let the mix cook slowly for about 15mins with lid on till most of the water is evaporated. Check taste. Then you can start with the cheesesauce.

First mix the milk and the flour and heat it up till the sauce gets a bit thicker. Mix the whole time. Let it poach for 5minutes.

Mix the spices to the sauce and add the grated cheese. Check the taste ;)
Then you can start building the lasagne to the tray. First the cheesesauce, on top of that the lasagnesheets and then the minced meat sauce. I did this 2 times and on top I put 2 lasagnesheets and the rest of the cheesesauce to cover the whole thing. At the end looked like this:

Put it in the oven with 200 Celciusdegrees and let it cook for 45-50mins. If the top starts to get too brown/black, cover it with foil. And after 50mins, it looked so good:

30 degrees.. Thank you!!!

So I'm about to go to work in 30mins or so. And then I have free from work for one week. And it happens to be so that for the weekend is promised 30 degrees and SUN!! How awesome is that? And of course starting next week Tuesday evening its gonna rain (I have to go work on Wednesday next week)

So I wish all my friends in Austria a warm rest of the week!!

And I have bought some stuff which I am gonna post during tonight or tomorrow.

Käännös: Olen tässä lähdössä kohta töihin ja mulla on sitten viikon verran vapaata töistä. Kuinka sattuikaan sääjumalat on mun puolella ja ne lupaa viikonlopuksi 30 astetta lämmin, auringon kera tietenki. Ja tietenki ensi viikon tiistai illasta alkaen alkaa sataa, ja mä menen sitten keskiviikkona taas töihin.
Toivottavasti Suomessa vappua päästään viettämään vähän lämpimämmissä keleissä. Itsellä tiedossa siman tekoa ja rosettien vääntämistä. Kattoo mitä tulee, serpentiiniä löytyy vielä viime vuodelta.
Ostin parit vaatekappaleet töistä joista postaan kuvia tänään töiden jälkeen tai huomenna.

Tuesday 24 April 2012


Heips kukkuu!

Kiirettä pukkaa, gradun kanssa on kiire, töitä on tällä viikolla päivän enemmän mitä sopparin mukaan pitäisi olla ja olen lähettänyt toistakymmentä sähköpostia eilisestä aamusta lähtien. Onneksi Suomessa jopa ison pankin CEO vastaa nopsaan viesteihin ja terettää tai morottaa kuin oltaisiin vanhoja tuttuja. Onneksi sentään arska paistaa ulkona, vaikka mä jumitan kotona päätteen äärellä. No mutta, kuuntelin äsken Spotify:ssa PMMP:n "uuden" biisin Heliumpallo, tässä linkki:

English: Busy as a bee: writing, working, sending too many emails in order to get the needed interview partners. Sun is shining so nicely, even though I have to sit inside. Above the new song from a finnish band PMMP: heliumball (only in finnish)

Thursday 19 April 2012


So, today I sat by my computer and was like a dog watching out for its new toy or bone. I found cheap flights to Finland for end of May and wanted to be polite to my teacher and ask if it would be okay, if I miss one lecture. After  4 hours of waiting and stressing out (only about the price of flights getting more expensive), I booked the flights (even though my teacher hadn't answered me)!!!

The best thing is that for my trip to Finland I can do my interviews in the finnish banks for my master thesis and then spend a couple of days with my family. So work&pleasure combined!! Now I need to contact the banks and hope that they all have time to meet me during the 2 days which Im going to spend in Helsinki. Otherwise I'll just do it via telephone, since I am in Finland. 

Otherwise I'm still busy with my thesis, going to work and yep, just really enjoying my time in Salzburg

See ya in Finland in May!!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Call us, don't email us!

Doing some research for my thesis, and I found out that finnish banks do not wish to be contacted via emails. The only adress I got was:

Like I would want to call to Finland for 0,40€/min, and I bet I dont get through in a couple of minutes!

Käännös: Etsin yhteystietoja suomalaisten pankkien nettisivuilta ja sain todeta että pankkeihin pitää soittaa, sähköpostin lähettäminen on melko mahdotonta. Tai no mahdotonta, en vain tunne ketään jonka etunimi on oikeasti etunimi ja sukunimi oikeasti sukunimi. Tässä esimerkki:

Monday 16 April 2012

Jukka Poika

Sorry, this one has to be written in finnish ;)

Sain tänään ihanan yllätyksen kun sain lahjaksi Jukka Pojan uusimman levyn "Yhdestä puusta" mp3 muodossa. Mun rakas kännykkäkapulani on niin halpaa tekoa ettei siinä saa Spotifytä appinä (tai mitään muutakaan appiä, musta äppeinä riittää laskin, sudoku ja kalenteri (jota en kyl ikinä käytä)) eli joudun vanhalla tyylillä latailemaan biisejä mun kapulaan johdon välityksellä tietokoneelta voidakseni kuljetella musiikkia mukanani. Postasin Jukka Pojan uudesta levystä jokin aika sitten ja nyt voin ottaa sen ihan mukaani kun lähden ulos. IHANAA!!

Ei muuta kuin rentoutumaan ja miettimään niitä ihania Suomen kesäiltoja ja festareita. Mä missaan Suomen kesän tänä vuonna opintojen loppuspurtin takia mutta ehkä sitten seuraava kesä meneekin Suomessa, kuka tietää?

Saturday 14 April 2012

Hard, right?


What I got to do to make you love me?
What I got to do to make you care?
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
And I wake to find that you're not there?

What I got to do to make you want me?

What I got to do to be heard?
What do I say when its all over?
Sorry seems to be the hardest word

It's sad, so sad

It's a sad, sad situation
And it's getting more and more absurd
It's so sad so sad
Why can't we talk it over?
Oh it seems to me
Sorry seems to be the hardest word

What I do to make you want me?

What I got to do to be heard?
What do I say when it's all over?
Sorry seems to be the hardest word

It's sad, so sad
It's a sad sad situation
And it's gotten more and more absurd
It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over?
Oh it seems to me
Sorry seems to be the hardest word

What do I do to make you love me?

What I got to do to be heard?
What do I do when lightning strikes me?
Yeah.....What do I got to do?
What do I got to do?
When sorry seems to be the hardest word

Friday 13 April 2012

Haircut 2€

As I cut my hair about 6months ago short, Im trying to grow them again. Surprise, surprise. I think it will go on like this till I'm dead, that I let them grow, cut them and the growing process starts from the beginning. 
Anyways, I went to the hairdresser and was prepared to pay 30€s' for my haircut. The girl looked at my hair and said, I'll just cut at the back a bit. It was all over in 5minutes. And at the cashier: "That'll be 2€s then". I was like "whooooooot?". But I was happy since I can otherwise live with my hair, they were just too long in the back.

My test in Japanese went really great, just missed the colours gold and silver, so this is why I missed a couple of points. Now its time to read some books for my thesis and hopefully it'll come to writing also.

I watched the newest video from Jennifer Lopez, I like the song, the video is not that good (only my opinion). Underneath the video from YouTube, that boyfriend of Jennifers' has quite a nice body, I must say! Wish everyone a nice, sunny and relaxing weekend.

 Käännös: Leikkasin puolisen vuotta sitten tukkani lyhyeksi ja nyt haluan taas kasvattaa tukkani. Tämä jatkuu varmaan hamaan hautaan asti että kasvatan tukan, leikkaan lyhyeksi ja kasvatan taas. Olin varautunut maksamaan tukanleikkuusta 30€, kampaaja siinä sitten arvioi ja leikkasi vain mun niskatukan lyhyemmäksi. Kassalla hän sanoi "se olisi sitten 2€", olin että "häh?". Mutta mikäs siinä, köyhän opiskelijan rahat säästyi, ja tukka saa kasvaa rauhassa.
Mun japanin testi meni hyvin, en huomannut listalla värejä kulta ja hopea, mutta ei se mitään. Vain yksi kohta jäi täyttämättä koska en tiennyt että gin (ぎん) on hopea. Nyt olis lopputyön vuoro, oon koko viikon tehnyt kaikkea muuta että edessä on lukemista ja kirjoittamista viimeistään huomenna. 
Katsoin Jennifer Lopez:in uuden musavideon, biisi itsessään on ihan hyvä, video ei ollut ihmeellisempi (yläpuolella Youtubesta otettu video). Jenniferin melkein 20v nuoremmalla poikakaverilla ei ole mikään huono kroppa, pakko sanoa! :D Toivotan kaikille tasapuolisesti kivaa viikonloppua!!