Saturday 25 May 2013

Saturday until now...

This morning started slow... We were up till midnight cause the German version of Strictly come dancing (Let's dance) came yesterday. I almost started with standard dances at the age of 12 or 13 but it would have been too much work for me. So nowadays I am just so in awe when I looked the shows. Some stars are great at dancing and some are really bad (!). Not to mention the professional dancers!

Saturday is usually the day when I have loads to do. Today it was not the case. I went grocery shopping yesterday and even looked for a couch and some other stuff. Got some ideas but I need time to think.

I took the bull from the horns and went to the gym. Since I'm working from Monday till Friday, I'm not that amused if I have to get up early on Saturday. I ended up training for almost two hours and was really happy that I didn't stay at home and do nothing

Thursday 23 May 2013

Nails, shoes and flat

I have some great news...

It looks like we are moving to another flat at the beginning of July. To a flat which I love already. ALOT! It's really almost the perfect for us. But I'll tell you about the flat another time. There is at least enough place for all my shoes and bags ;)

I surfed last week Deichmann online shop and saw shoes. Which I of course had to have! I just couldn't stop thinking about the shoes... and here they are:

Sunday 19 May 2013

Tomato soup

The only weekdays I have time to cook are Saturday and Sunday. Since I work in an office, we go for a lunch during work time  And to be honest, I COULD cook something during the evening for the next days... but I don't like cooking in a hurry.

I've wanted to make tomato soup for some time now and now I had the possibility to make it.

What you need:
500g tomatoes
2 slices of bread (I used toast)
1/2 jar of basilicum
1 onion
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp olive oil
2-3 dl water
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 dl cream (can't be seen in the pic since I added it at the end to give the soup a little bit more taste)

Saturday 18 May 2013


Do you guys know what is really weird. Earlier, I had no problem sleeping alone. Now, after 2,5 years in a relationship, I have problems sleeping alone in bed. The only place where I sleep well alone is at my parents place (usually our dog Nita sleeps with me in the same bed, so I'm actually not even sleeping alone). Yesterday I was home alone. And I went to sleep at 1.30am... not funny, seriously.

Yesterday (sorry for only naming this post "Saturday) was a great day. I got of work after 13 o'clock and met with Hanna. And we talked, had fun, went shopping and I was first shortly before 21 o'clock at home :D
Women, you know ;)

Back to last night. I was alone since M was in Munich with his workmates. He came back today and we went to the Europark shopping center here in Salzburg. I had to bring my laptopcase back, cause it was too big for my Samsung laptop. The search continues...

Wednesday 1 May 2013

1st of May

We woke up quite late... that was so nice :)

In the afternoon we decided to go to the main railway station (there is the only supermarket in Salzburg which has open also on Sundays and holidays) to buy some food and chips for tonight. We are currently watching football (don't ask me why, I think it's because I love M :D).

Finally I have a picture from the clothes I wore today. It's been really crazy with weather in Salzburg, yesterday really cold and today shorts weather... hopefully it stays warm. Next week we are flying to Finland and I finally get more summer clothes here. Since most of my clothes are currently in Finland. 

Shirt: H&M
Short: SaintTropez
Bag: Mango
Shoes: Deichmann
Sunglasses: Mango

Unfortunately I wasn't so photogenic today :D Hopefully I can post more and better pics during the coming weeks!

Pysty ja vaakaraita

Kuten monet teistä varmaan tietää, tänä keväänä pystyraita on muodissa. Ja vaakaraitaa löytää aina kaupasta, harvemmin löytyy tavallista vaatekauppaa joka ei myisi vaakaraitaisia vaatteita. Eikö näin ole?

Mä tykkään raidoista... mutta vain silloin kun ne ovat vaakaraitoja. Olen nähnyt monissa kaupoissa (ja myös kadulla) pystyraitaisia vaatteita. Enkä sitten osaa yhtään kuvitella pistäväni niitä päälleni.

Monesti sanotaan että raidat leventää. Jos vaakaraita leventää niin pidentääkö pystyraita sitten? Tähän kysymykseen en itse aio edes yrittää löytää vastausta. Voin vain todeta että jos vaakaraidat leventävät niin oletan että pystyraidat eivät varmasti pidennä. Varsinkaan jos esim housut ovat ihonmyötäiset. Mä näyttäisin varmaan semmoselta raidalliselta makkaralta. Jos ihan rehellisesti puhutaan. 

Voin siis todeta että jätän pystyraidalliset vaatteet kaikille yli 175cm pitkille naisille jotka ovat mallien mitoissa. Minä ja 167cm "ei-niin-mallin-mitoissa" oleva kroppani jäämme odottamaan seuraavia trendejä, joita voin hyödyntää myös tulevaisuudessa...

Alla kuva siitä, miten hyvältä pystyraita voi näyttää (älkääkä kuvitelko että vaikka monet vaatteet näyttävät hyviltä lehtien sivuilla että ne sovituskopissa näyttävät yhtä hyvältä [valitettavasti tämä on totuus, ainakin minun kohdalla]).

Most of you probably know that stripes are in this spring. You can always find striped clothes from almost every shop, around the year. I like stripes, but only when they are horizontal. I've seen in many magazines and on the streets vertical-striped clothes. I couldn't even think about wearing such pants or shirts. I'll just leave such clothes for women over 170cm and who have a model figure. Me and my 167cm tall, "not-so-model-like-figure" are going to wait for other trends which last longer than one season.
Underneath a picture, where vertical stripes look really cool. And I'm sorry if I'm hurting someone with my opinion but many clothes look way better in the magazines than in the fitting room. Unfortunately it is the truth... at least in my case :D
